This was the GoPro footage the Togo captured during the event. We tagged everyone that we know. Please mention anyone else that you recognize in the comments below.
Names of everyone and their Twitter handles (if applicable):
Togo (@TogoWolf11)
Fang - dressed as Zaphira
Kaljath (@PantherMage)
Brady (@BradyDutchie) - a.k.a Wica
Alkali (@Alkali_Bismuth)
Chris Brookes (@ChrisBrookes129)
Duran (@Duran__Wolf)
TILT - a.k.a Wilson T. Longtail
Giroux (@GirouxSheppy)
Oakley (@miss0akley)
Oxide (@OxideCrux)
Not mentioned in the video:
Dolby (@DolbyVixen)