
Twin Towers art contest in September! #TwinTowersArtContest

Twin Towers art contest in September! #TwinTowersArtContest Starting on the 1st of September and ending on the 11th of September. You need to draw or paint the twin towers, either before it was attacked, while being attacked and after being attacked. Put #TwinTowersArtContest in the tags, in the desc or in the title of the video.
The winner gets a shoutout and extra subscribers! Other people competing will get extra subscribers.
On the April 4th 1973, the twin towers were built in New York City. On the 11th of September 2001, a terrorist organisation called Al-Qaeda attacked 4 places. Right now, we are focusing on the attack of the twin towers. Some people (Not allowed to give out the names) hijacked a plane from the American Airlines. The hijackers flew the plane right into the north tower, instantly killing hundreds of people. The people on the other tower didn’t know what was coming next, and they continued working. 10 Minutes later, another plane crashes into the second tower, killing more people than the first crash. The 9/11 Twin Towers attack was all over the news. No matter what news channel you watched, even if it was in another country, this attack would always be on there. Half an hour later, the south tower collapsed, killing many people on the ground, and even killed a couple of news reporters. About 2-3 hours later, the north tower fell, leaving the streets in rubble and families in tears. No one knows how many died, but it is estimated to be around 2,996 casualties, including people on the ground and in the plane. A couple of days later, the U.S Declared war on Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. This art contest represents the people who were on the plane, on the ground, in the towers and even the people who tried saving others.


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