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Table of Contents:
0:24 - Arrow Introduction
0:58 - Major Areas of Concern - Arrow Spine, Arrow Straightness, Arrow Consistency
1:34 - The Stores (Cabelas, Bass Pro, Sportsman's, Scheels)
1:38 - Cabelas Arrows (Cabelas Stalker Xtreme & Cabelas Carbon Hunter)
2:00 - Bass Pro BlackOut Arrows (X5 Envy & X3 Hunter)
2:31 - Sportsman's Warehouse Vital Impact Arrows
2:41 - Scheels Arrows (Vendetta & Vendetta Pros)
3:15 - Easton FMJ 5mm Arrows
3:25 - Victory Archery VAP / RIP V1 Arrows
4:22 - My Methodology
4:51 - Easton FMJ Results
5:09 - Victory RIP Elite Results
7:24 - Cabelas Carbon Hunter
7:43 - Cabelas Stalker Xtreme
8:09 - (Bass Pro) Blackout X5 Envy
8:23 - (Bass Pro) Blackout X3 Hunter
8:40 - Sportsman's Warehouse Vital Impact
9:07 - Scheels Vendetta
9:26 - Scheels Vendetta Pro
9:52 - Overall Arrow Rankings
Instrumental by Homage