
Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton: Liz Prato, Chronic Fatigue and Creativity

Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton: Liz Prato, Chronic Fatigue and Creativity Liz Prato is the author of several award-winning books and story collections. She talks with Beyond Well about the challenge of a creative life while living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Liz says, “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has forced me to get very quiet with myself, and ask who am I, apart from this body?” Liz’s insight into the psychological and physical toll of Chronic Fatigue is both illuminating and sobering. People who suffer from Chronic Fatigue syndrome are often dismissed by both the medical community and too often, their friends and family. Chronic Fatigue is a medication condition of unknown cause, with fever, aching, and prolonged tiredness and depression.


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