
Chico Fruit:Sapota Hygienic Food and Numerous Health Benefits Of Eating Sapodilla:Nuturemite English

Chico Fruit:Sapota Hygienic Food and Numerous Health Benefits Of Eating Sapodilla:Nuturemite English The name ‘sapota’ might not be familiar to most of us. Sapota is another name for the fruit better known as ‘chikoo’ or ‘chiku’ in Hindi, ‘sapota’ in Telugu, ‘chikku‘ in Marathi, ‘cappotta‘ in Tamil and ‘sapeta’ in Bengali. When we say sapota, we are basically referring to the tropical evergreen tree that bears this fruit. Sapota is a delicious calorie-rich fruit belonging to the category of fruits like mango, banana and jack fruit. Its other names are nose berry, sapodilla plum, chickoo sapote etc.

Coming to the point, sapota offers numerous benefits for skin, hair, and health – something we have covered extensively in this post

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#nuturemite#sapota,#hygienic food

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