
FUNDSITION | Crowdfunding is an excellent marketing opportunity

FUNDSITION | Crowdfunding is an excellent marketing opportunity FUNDSITION -
A New World of Investing & Capital Raising
Over the next decade we should see a material shift in business ownership as the next generation make their way into leadership and ownership roles. These new owners are embracing technology and are more connected to their customers than ever before. They are looking to grow, accelerate and maximise the value of these small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and Equity Crowdfunding provides them a viable and powerful solution.

With the arrival of Equity Crowdfunding in Australia, an unprecedented opportunity for investors to hold equity in these growing businesses is now in play. It’s a win for retail and sophisticated investors, SMSF trustees, and a win for growing SMEs that need funding.

For the retail investor wanting to participate in this exciting SME asset class, there has been a lack of information, access to deals and a dedicated investor platform.
But now, FUNDSITION is here to support and facilitate this new world of investing and capital raising!

Business Optimisation,Business Debt Financing,Small Business Funding,SME Financing,Crowd-Sourced Funding,Succession Planning,SME,SME Crowdfunding,Business Financing,SME Crowdfunder,Business Growth,Optimising Revenue,Capital Markets,Equity Crowdfunfing,Australian SME's,Crowdfunding,Australian SME,Finclear,Equity Crowdfunding Australia,Business Growth Funding,Crowdfunding Australia,Maximaising Valuation,Business Valuation,Optimising Profit,Small Business,

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