
Mobile phone cooler (cold clip) is a mobile phone accessory developed for the mobile phone to be hot

Mobile phone cooler (cold clip) is a mobile phone accessory developed for the mobile phone to be hot A semiconductor refrigeration sheet, also called a thermoelectric cooling sheet, is a heat pump. By using the Peltier effect of the semiconductor material, when the direct current is passed through the galvanic couple of two different semiconductor materials in series, the heat can be absorbed and the heat can be released at both ends of the galvanic couple, and the purpose of cooling can be achieved. It is a refrigeration technology that produces negative thermal resistance
In principle, a semiconductor cooling sheet is a heat transfer tool. When a current is passed through a pair of thermocouple pairs in which an N-type semiconductor material and a P-type semiconductor material are connected, heat transfer occurs between the two ends, and heat is transferred from one end to the other end, thereby generating a temperature difference to form a hot and cold heat. end. However, the semiconductor itself has a resistance that generates heat when current passes through the semiconductor, which affects heat transfer. Moreover, the heat between the two plates is also reversed by the air and the semiconductor material itself. When the hot and cold end reaches a certain temperature difference, when the two heat transfer amounts are equal, an equilibrium point is reached, and the reverse heat transfer cancels each other. At this time, the temperature of the hot and cold end will not continue to change. In order to achieve a lower temperature, it is possible to reduce the temperature of the hot end by means of heat dissipation or the like.
The function of the fan and the heat sink is mainly to dissipate heat from the hot end of the cooling fin. Generally, the temperature difference between the cold and hot ends of the semiconductor refrigerating sheet can reach 40 to 65 degrees. If the hot end temperature is lowered by active heat dissipation, the cold end temperature will also drop correspondingly, thereby achieving a lower temperature.

Mobile phone cooler (cold clip),Mobile phone cooling device,Mobile phone cooling,

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