
Using your phone before bed is unlikely to ruin sleep, expert claims - Live News 24

Using your phone before bed is unlikely to ruin sleep, expert claims  - Live News 24 Thanks for watching my video.
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Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use ( USING a phone or tablet before bed is unlikely to wreck sleep, an expert says.  The danger of screen light disrupting the body clock has been overstated, according to Oxford University Professor Russell Foster.  He said: “If you’re staying up all night and on the brightest screen, it might do something. But for most people it is not going to have a big effect.”  Instead, it is simply using a device late into the night which ruins sleep and leaves users feeling tired, he believes.  He added: “Simply saying, ‘It’s the light and not the use’, it’s misleading.”  Speaking after a conference in Austria, Professor Russell said a lot of light was needed for a long time to disrupt ­circadian rhythm, which regulates our sleep patterns.  But the light from devices was too weak to have much effect.  The professor said: “Dusk light makes you go to bed later and morning light makes you want to get up earlier.  “So the argument has been that ­evening light via these devices makes you want to get up later.  “But it is probably having very little effect. You should disentangle what is going on. It is the effect of having the phone by your bed.  “It’s just giving you much reduced sleep duration, so you’re waking up tired.” GOT a story? RING The Sun on 0207 782 4104 or WHATSAPP on 07423720250 or EMAIL

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