
#019: Assorted Sports and Forgetting Things

#019: Assorted Sports and Forgetting Things Despite numerous efforts to give up and go home, the podcasting world's leading news and other stuff show has come back for episode #019, first looking at the state of California and its new law to allow college athlete's to receive compensation for their efforts.

The pod then continues with its sports theme by taking a look at the NBA's conflict with the Chinese government, how did this battle get to where it is?

After a funky halftime interlude of music, Assorted Goods then turns its attention to Europe and the legal dispute over whether or not people have the right to be forgotten by the internet (but is it even possible?)

Lastly, a glimmer of hope amidst the brutal conflicts in the middle east. Girls learning self-defense and re-building their confidence through boxing, and the organization that is taking on these efforts.

All that in this hot off the presses new edition of the Assorted Goods Podcast, available wherever you get your pods.

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