
Are Chemtrails Disappearing? A Phone Call To Russ Tanner (Please Listen In!)

Are Chemtrails Disappearing? A Phone Call To Russ Tanner (Please Listen In!) Are Chemtrails Disappearing? A Phone Call To Russ Tanner (Please Listen In!) | Richard Sacks

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 10/20/19

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I've been watching the skies carefully here in northern Arizona for the past couple of weeks with special attention. The reason is a very unusual phenomenon I've been observing recently. You may not believe me, it sounds so outlandish, but it's really true. I've been observing a strange and unfamiliar color in the sky, I guess you might call it clear blue. That hasn't been the color of these skies most days for many years. Usually the trails of toxic spraying, well documented in articles, videos and chemical analyses at sites like and are all over our skies. Their hazy residues leave a grayish white color that often persists for most of the day. Relentless spraying has radically reduced the amount of sunlight, needed by all living creatures, that reaches the Earth's surface.

Normal climate patterns are being disrupted, and the entire biosphere is being intentionally poisoned (see previous Lost Arts Radio shows with guests Clifford Carnicom, Russ Tanner and other researchers on this subject). This is obviously not happening by accident, but is a huge, well-coordinated global project of massive proportions. Our criminal media, which wants you to believe there are no real conspiracies except bank robbers, say simultaneously that it is not happening at all (the National Weather Service agrees), while universities all over the world are now offering specialized training for those who want to make geoengineering their career focus and "scientists" go on television and say we may have to start spraying to save the Earth from global warming.

So it was surprising to me to see multiple clear days in a row, the kind Arizona used to be famous for before the spraying took over the weather and ruined most of the clear days. I am sure this program would not just be dropped after such massive commitment and investment in expanding it since the early 90's, and on a smaller scale for decades before that. I wondered, let's see what the founder of Global Skywatch, Russ Tanner, has to say, maybe he can shed some light on this mystery. With his permission, we recorded the resulting conversation, thinking you might be interested to see where it led. You can sit in on it this Sunday, and listen to where our discussion ended up going, which was way beyond just the 'chemtrails' question. It's all connected, of course, and the bigger picture is a lot like being in the middle of the most amazing sci-fi movie ever.

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Richard Sacks, Host

#chemtrails #geoengineering #lostartsradio

Richard Sacks,Lost Arts Radio,Russ Tanner,geoengineering,Geoengineering insane weather patterns,jet aircraft,high bypass turbofan,jet engines,contrails,chemtrails,Chemtrails Global Skywatch,Herb Allure,GeoengineeringWatch,anti-geoengineering activism,mercury,Mercury Poisoning,vaccines,Vaccines GMOs Chemtrails,Mercury Toxicity,MSM,mainstream media,amalgam fillings,potassium,

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