
HIV and Wellbeing Economy 15.00-16.00 3|3

HIV and Wellbeing Economy 15.00-16.00 3|3 International commitments have been made to put an end to HIV and Hepatitis epidemics. However, the EU and Europe more widely continue to face many challenges in terms of access to prevention, treatment and care, and respect of fundamental rights.

Could a Wellbeing Economy give a way to achieve a sustainable response to HIV, AIDS and co-infection? Is it possible to achieve the fundamental goal of sustainable wellbeing with dignity and fairness for all humans?

This seminar is an official side event of Finland's Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The seminar is organized by Positiiviset, HivFinland to mark our 30th anniversary.


9.00 Coffee and registration


9.30 Opening and Welcome - Sini Pasanen, Executive Director, Positiiviset, HivFinland
Veronika Honkasalo, PhD, Member of Parliament, Chair of Parliament's Human Rights Group

10.00 Monitoring the HIV response in Europe and Central Asia: Are we on track to reach agreed targets?
Teymur Noori, Expert on monitoring an evaluation
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, ECDC

10.45 How to manage the HIV Epidemic in this corner of Europe
Mika Salminen, Professor, Director, Department for Health Security, National Institute for Health and Welfare (Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL)

11.15 The three big barriers to wellbeing: Stigma, discrimination and criminalization of HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission
Ferenc Bagyinszky, HIV and Human Rights Activist
Project Coordinator at AIDS Action Europe

12.00 Lunch


13.00 Monitoring harm reduction in Europe: the civil society response
Alina Bocai, Steering Committee Chair, Correlation Program Director, ARAS

13.30 Respectful drug policies and decriminalization of drug use as harm reduction
Tuukka Tammi, Research Programme Director, National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)

14.00 HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections
Maximising testing opportunities through integrating services
Ben Collins, European Testing week, Chair and INTEGRATE Joint Action, Advisory Board Member

14:30 Coffee break

15.00 Rights and health for migrant and mobile sex workers across Europe
Anastacia Ryan, an Advocate and Activist, Coordinator at Tampep, the European Network for the Promotion of Rights and Health among Migrant Sex Workers

15.30 Wellbeing and Dignity - 30 years fight against HIV and for people living with HIV
Nonni Mäkikärki, Chair, Positiiviset, HivFinland

16.00 End of seminar



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