
Lisbon tiny flat blends old|modern & perches over city views

Lisbon tiny flat blends old|modern & perches over city views Small flat blends old character with a peek at Lisbon landmarks
Lisbon flat, tiny flat, small apartment, narrow apartment, narrow flat, Pombalino, Lisbon, Mediterranean style, Mediterranean architecture, traditional building, artisanal craftmanship, frescos, daylighting, indoor outdoor apartment, Lapa, Joao Gameiro, Studio Gameiro

João Gameiro took a dark, rundown flat in an early 19th century Lisbon building and used traditional craftsmanship to open it up to the light and views of the city. On a hill in the Lapa neighborhood, the apartment had been neglected and needed work, but Gameiro unearthed an unused terrace and crafted large, arched windows and continuous indoor/outdoor flooring to bring the outside in.

Inspired by the Mediterranean tradition of laying leftover marble to pave backyards and terraces, Gameiro created a "Terraco" floor using marble offcuts that creates a continuous space spanning the terrace, the living room/kitchen and the bathroom.

On his first visit to the space, Gameiro noticed what looked like a portion of fresco hidden behind paint. After purchasing the property, he uncovered multiple 200-year-old frescos (dating back to the buildings' construction in 1819). He also left exposed the original ceiling beams and one wall of the "Pombalino" period cage-style wood framing.

Since the flat is at the top floor of a five-story building with only a narrow staircase, the bed was designed in five parts which were carried up and assembled in place. Since the bed occupies the entire second bedroom, Gameiro designed a wooden walkway that flips down from the side of the bed when one wants to access the balcony.

Lisbon flat,tiny flat,small apartment,narrow apartment,narrow flat,Pombalino,Lisbon,Mediterranean style,Mediterranean architecture,traditional building,artisanal craftmanship,frescos,daylighting,indoor outdoor apartment,Lapa,Joao Gameiro,Studio Gameiro,skinny flat,skinny home,

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