Welcome to my show day vlog! I hope this video can show you that we all are dealing with things even when no one sees or would expect it. It's not what happens in life, but how we respond, and how we get back up! I also hope you're able to see that PATIENCE is key when going after big goals! Sometimes, it simply takes MORE TIME. It's OKAY to "not be there yet". And don't let that discourage you. It's okay to feel disappointment for a moment, but then you've gotta get back up & keep pressing on! Be proud of how far you've already come! IT WILL happen for you, and for me ;). Love you guys, thank you for your patience with this vlog! xo -Emily **********************************
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*********************************** ➡️CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @emilyhayden TWITTER: @ehfitness21 Podcast: The Evolve With Emily Show (Available everywhere)