
The Belief System of MASSIVE Abundance & Success Revealed

The Belief System of MASSIVE Abundance & Success Revealed Once The Belief System of MASSIVE Abundance & Success is Revealed.....Manifestation becomes easier than ever. If you want to SHIFT to a 5D level of consciousness and transform EVERY area of your life click here: ➡

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This video I'm going to show you the belief system of massive abundance and success. I'm going to show you exactly how you can adopt the same belief system and change your reality.

Welcome back to another video my name's Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now this video I'm going to be sharing with you the belief system of abundance, understanding how to tap into your true abundance, and how would you let go of the belief system that you may have around scarcity.

The belief system you may have around you not being able to create what you want in your life, the belief system you have that may say that there's not enough to go around and that there's maybe stories about abundance and about money that aren't actually serving you.

So for this one thing I will say is that when you look at different patterns of successful people, you'll start to see some things. If you're studying, like one thing I like to do is read books from successful people and you can see how they think.

You can see the uh, patterns they have, the habits they have, the things they do, and you know that that goes into their belief system. If you study and you change your own beliefs, you then change your reality. This is why when people say, people say, when it comes to the law of attraction, they say, Oh, talks great reality.

That's crazy, right? Well, it depends on the beliefs you see the beliefs. It all starts at belief. Belief. You have at the top believe which is like the meaning you give things. A lot of your beliefs come from when you were a kid. You develop certain beliefs.

You may have taken on the beliefs, you're for your parents. It may have taken on the beliefs of, uh, of your environment, of what people told you. Maybe one time one thing happened and you think that that's now who you are and you don't even know it.

I know for me, one time I went up to the snack shack and I didn't have enough money to get sour patch kids or baby was free rollers. I don't remember. But part of me was then like, Oh, I don't have enough. This is embarrassing. I was embarrassed. I went to the pro line or no one else. Everyone else was waiting there.

If you hit me with anything cause money report and that's kinda, I felt unworthy. I felt like there was a little, a certain level of um, of not enough-ness there. And I really wanted something. You see. So belief, which is meaning then generates a feeling, how we feel about money, which then comes to thoughts when we're in a certain state of being.

Then we have certain thoughts. We don't have any big thoughts, probably been feeling well, beliefs, comment, dealing that thought and then come action. You take action equal to the thoughts you're having, the feelings you have and the beliefs you have and you get results. All right.

Then the funny thing is that this then feels this and it's a cycle, okay? So you have your belief, feeling thought, action, results. Now the belief system of abundance means that once you believe in the story that you tell yourself about money, then generates a certain feeling, thought, and action, how you feel, thinking do, feel, thought, mad, action, that then you will get a reality as equal to that.

When people would normally say, well, I'll just see. I'll just change what I do. Well sometimes that's powerful, but unless that change you, what you do eventually changes your belief about who you are and what you're capable of.

You see, that's when it's actually powerful. Now the belief system of abundance is about being aware that what do you currently tell yourself about money? What is this story you have about money and what you can accomplish in your life? Because for a while when I was doing my spiritual awakening, I learned about the government and the financial systems and how money works and money this and money that and then I got I, I developed a certain level of resistance about it and when I developed that level.....

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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