
For all of those Stay at home mom and dads out there

For all of those Stay at home mom and dads out there These days it’s not just the moms staying at home, there are some awesome Daddy’s who when given the opportunity decided to stay home.
This is for all of you...
This is for every father whose been screwed over...
and in this new world of “equal rights”? (Yes we want them, no it’s not cool for this to happen to ANYONE, nor has it ever been ok)
This is for the Mothers who now share their pain.
I just want to put it out there that I had my mother sign off my fathers debt as a teenager. I’ve NEVER supported kicking someone while they are down, nor do I support vengeance.
I didn’t have a relationship with my father, but I know there are many men out there who just WISHED they could and have had to work like slaves to pay a woman who wouldn’t let them be a part of their children’s lives.
If we unite our voices, no matter our gender?
Maybe one day the justice system will change and stop favoring power, money and sexes.

stay at home dad,stay at home mom,family first,family court,womens rights,civil court,divorced,divorced parents,divorced mom,children,parental rights,illegal,legal system,fighting back,family,home,mom,dad,health,building a business,

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