
Homeschool High school: Honest talks about why are some teaching| prepping to the SATs?

Homeschool High school: Honest talks about why are some teaching| prepping  to the SATs? Im sooo tired of the status quo for what Homeschool highschoolers are "supposed" to be doing. At times I find myself, at a loss for words bc my child isnt where he "should" be in mathematics and Writing( Grammar Lang Art). But the truth is, when u talk to many parents its all about getting into college, passing the SATs. When u said many parents are giving all their kid's subjects to prep for SATs, that is very true. I have to say, that is one of many reasons why I wanted to homeschool bc I was so sick of the school teaching to pass those standardized tests. The other thing that baffles me is how HS students have to apply to colleges and see if they are "qualified " to get into their college, and you ( parents/ students) have the" privelage" of paying them for their teaching your children ( very liberal, and many times anti-Christ education) for the next 4 years at 40grand per year, what privilege. 🤪😵😳Thankyou for the opportunity of letting me get loans, so I or my child can be in debt for many years. 💵💰💰💸💳 When you learn more about the college education system, and how many are putting themselves in a lifelong debt, it really saddens me. Most importantly, the question that should be asked, is: Did you and your child pray, and ask the Lord what He wants for your child to do? Many times this question never even comes to mind, bc we are sucked up in this godless culture...Food for thought, If you are a Christian, How about the parents and the children pray and seek God's will for their lives? It may be revealed to them that college is not in the picture, and for others it may be in His plans. Will you trust the Holy Spirit to lead you and your children?? He's still the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Shelly, sorry I took so long, I pray everything wll be well with your daughter. GBU my sister in Christ.

Watch "Homeschoolers, Let's Be Honest About High School..." on YouTube

This is There's no place like home :YT channel by Shelly. She's my fave go-to for homeschooling videos.


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