
How to make him think about you - 5 steps

How to make him think about you - 5 steps For more on how to make him think about you:

Women everywhere want their man to think about her – and only her. Sometimes it seems like guys have their attention elsewhere. And that’s why I’m going to show you a few tips on how to make him think about you…

how to get men to think about you nonstop How To Make Him Think About You 5 Steps

Because if he’s not thinking about you, that space in his thoughts could be filled by another woman.

Let me explain…

What inevitably happens in most relationships is that one (or both) of the people in the relationship start to get bored. Once they get bored, they no longer value their partner, and they start to “check out” of the relationship.

They stop doing all the stuff they did at the start…

They lose the deep connection and start to withdraw from the relationship…

They start to long for the addictive rush of a new romance again…

And what inevitably happens is that we lose our gratitude for the relationship. And the grass starts looking greener elsewhere.

This seems to happen more with guys – from a woman’s point of view. And very often a woman will start to step up her efforts in an attempt to “keep him interested.” She tries to make up for the difference in energy in the relationship.

This is also a HUGE mistake – because it will now make HIM seem like the “prize” to be won, and he will stop appreciating her.

Let me tell you up front that the harder a woman works to win a man, the more unhappy she is likely to be in the relationship later. For the simple reason that a man needs to appreciate you for the relationship to thrive. (Actually, you both need to appreciate each other and value the relationship!)

So what can you do about this situation?

How To Make Him Think About You - 5 Steps

How do you get a guy to turn his attitude around and stop taking you for granted?

The best thing you can do is know how to make him think about you all day long. The more he focuses on you as his object of fascination, the more he will love you.

I’m going to warn you that you’re going to read some really UN- P.C. things here. But that won’t stop them from being completely and absolutely TRUE.

Do your best to manage your discomfort, and open your mind to the reality I’m about to share with you. I’ve studied relationships and motivation for over 30 years, and I can tell you what works.

Which is WAY more important than the way we WANT something to work.

The best solution is to not only make him think about you, but you have to make him a wee bit scared – deep down in his bones – of losing you, too.

There’s a saying, you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone. And that goes DOUBLE for relationships!

If you haven’t gotten him focused on you yet – or the romance is just beginning, don’t worry! We’re going to cover that here, too.

Let’s start with:

Men are amazing when they get curious about something. If he becomes fascinated with something, he won’t stop thinking about it.

He CAN’T stop thinking about it.

get him to thinking about you all the time

Thomas Edison was obsessed with his inventions, filing over 1093 patents in his lifetime. That’s a lot of obsession.

Yeah, you could say he lived and breathed his work.

And if you want your man to live and breathe YOU – you can learn a lot from how men get stuck in their curiosity.

One of the most important ways you make him curious about you is to never give him too much information ABOUT you. Again, a big mistake I see both men and women make in dating is that they tend to tell too much about themselves.

“But Carlos – how is he supposed to fall in love with me if he doesn’t know me?”

Ah, therein lies the rub, as Mr. Shakespeare would say.

“Men don’t fall in love with YOU. They fall in love with the IDEA of you.” – Carlos Cavallo

It’s true.

He doesn’t need to KNOW you to form emotions for you. In fact, the more we know about someone, the more it spoils the effect.

Think of the last guy you fell for. I’ll bet you didn’t know nearly as much as you think you did about him. If you did, that knowledge might have spoiled the illusion that love depends on.

We allow ourselves to jump headfirst into a crazy emotional relationship a lot more frequently than we would like to admit.

The intellectual relationship – where we actually get to KNOW the object of our affection – almost always happens in the months after we

For the rest - Watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru

How to make him think about you - 5 steps

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