

I POISONED all my family BY ACCIDENT Hello, everyone! Today Elisa will tel her story how just a usual mushroom hike ended almost with a tragedy for her family.
"I never keened on hunting or mushrooms hike. Anyway, the forest's not for me. I'm an urban girl. And I start to panic in a place with three pines. And here, my friends were gonna gather mushrooms. So, they called me with them. I thought why not. Especially, since my ‘rents are the biggest mushrooms fans. But not me. But anyway, I agreed.
The only information source of mushrooms's was my biology book. There, it was written in black and white that a thin-legged mushroom's poisonous. And a thick-legged one's edible. But we're not good at mushroom picking anyway. But we were so enthusiastic about that. And so, we were going around the forest like crazy. We were happy to see the acorns. We mocked would-be boars. And we picked up into the basket everything we saw. Then, we all stopped. And we started to check if we gathered something edible. Frankly, we seemed to make no difference between all the mushrooms.
I offered to collect what we could. And then to show our loot to the neighbour. She's a person in the know. My 'rents often bought mushroom baskets from her. Well, probably, she wouldn't refuse. We'd give her half of our findings. Or pay her. We stopped at this point. But still, we used the leg rule. We gathered full baskets. We got dog-tired. So, we all went home".

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