
Make Water Kefir. So Simple! Molasses Iron Drink. It's Vegan, Tasty, and Affordable.

Make Water Kefir. So Simple! Molasses Iron Drink. It's Vegan, Tasty, and Affordable. Water kefir is the easiest ferment that I do. This recipe is so delicious and incredibly easy and affordable to make. I walk you through the few ingredients and supplies that you need to get started.

Unlike other water kefir recipes that I've tried, this recipe doesn't require any fruit and is fool-proof. It's so very simple and lovely tasting. Doesn't require any attention, really. It's a wonderful way to include more iron and copper in your diet. Hasn't reversed my gray hair though ;) but maybe it will work for you.

This is how I make it:
1 32 oz.Glass jar. Recycled is great, preferably with a lid
1 tablespoon measuring spoon.
-5 tbl. water kefir crystals
-4 tbl. cane sugar
-1 tbl. molasses
-Filtered water**
*Processed white sugar kills the crystals. Don't see why coconut sugar, etc. wouldn't work but I haven't tried it.
**I discuss this in the video, but watch out for fluoride in your water.

Add all to a clean jar, filling with water as your final step. Give a good stir.
Make as many jars as you like. Place lids on all and into your fridge. Ferment 1 jar at a time.
To begin fermenting, take a jar out of the fridge and replace the lid with a clean cloth. Place in a cool, dark place for 2-10 days, depending on your temps.
Taste test as you go to see what you like best. Once you're happy with the taste, keep stored in the fridge.

Cheers to your health!

You will need water kefir crystals to get started. If you know someone who already makes it, they will surely be happy to give you some of their crystals as they multiply as time goes on. Or, just purchase from a local source and follow the instructions.

Want to include more fermented foods into your diet? On a lower histamine diet? I found water kefir to be the most tolerable fermented food for me, by far.

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