
My friends, YOU NEED to see this...please share also with others

My friends, YOU NEED to see this...please share also with others *Below are VERY IMPORTANT instructions on how to get saved and a salvation prayer.*
Our Lord Jesus Christ loves you.
All the world events, fulfilled prophecies and signs in the skies (both given by God) have proven the fact that we have reached the End of Days.
You have no time left and you really DON'T WANT TO BE WRONG ABOUT THIS ONE DECISION IN YOUR LIFE !! God is REAL, Heaven (new Jerusalem) is REAL and Hell is REAL TOO! You are a spiritual being having an earthly experience. Those who can WAKE UP will be saved (Resurrection/RAPTURE) before the disasters and Wrath/Judgments fall upon the earth}. But others that will wake up and TURN TO HIM in repentance during Tribulation WILL BE SAVED TOO, but at their own life's cost. If you have decided to TRUST on technology and the "modern secular world" or trust in men you are going to have a rude awakening to the REAL reality.

If you do not have any personal relationship with The LORD God YahOvah, you do not have your name written in the Book of Life. As this means you ignored or rejected God and His AMAZING sacrifice and offering of His ONLY begotten Son to die for your sins to SAVE you from eternal condemnation and hell.

God does NOT send anyone to hell, everybody chooses by their own will to go there if they do not want to hear from God and turn away Christ and His testimony and Gospel. Hell is a place prepared for satan and his minions and followers on this Divine-testing laboratory called planet earth. Hell was never prepared or intended for humans, - that is why God has removed all the Godly attributes from hell (Joy, Love, Goodness, sleep, Peace, quiet and anything & everything positive). - In Hell/Hades there is ONLY evil and suffering and darkness devoid of Divine Love & Peace.
Everyone who goes to hell, gets a "new" body, so that they will feel and experience the everyday torment and pain that demons will give them. You will die every day in hell, only to be woken up again and starting all over again, forever. Believe me, this is no place for humans, so do NOT take the chance you might be wrong regardomg THE TRUTH about Jesus and His Testimony and Testament ! *John 3:36*

All you need is to repent of your sins (anything ungodly, unbelief, unforgiveness, pride, self-sufficiency, fornication, etc...) and pray to THE FATHER and Jesus to forgive you those sins with all your heart and surrender your life to Jesus, - thus letting Him save, guide and protect you.

Those who will not believe this Truth, cannot become Children of the Light but will remain in darkness. The whole process we are going through right now is meant to separate those who are foolish enough to follow satan and his fallen angels and his deceptions, and thus they will have no place in the Kingdom of Heaven. So make your choice: See: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; 6:1-2.

Through FAITH in JESUS-CHRIST (Yeshuah HaMashiach/Messiah) is the ONLY way to be truly forgiven and saved from your sins and your sinful, rebellious nature.

SALVATION PRAYER (with sincere heart)
Dear Jesus,
I acknowledge I am a sinner and I repent of all my sins (name all those you can think of) .
I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins and come into my heart to be The Lord of my will, heart and life and my SAVIOUR.
I believe and confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins.
I ask that you fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again with a new nature within.
Wash my sins away with Your Holy Blood and make me as pure and white as snow. Please also put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing Your will. I want to be YOUR witness now in the earth. Thank You Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in Your saving and redeeming grace this is possible.
This I pray to THE FATHER in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

"let those who have spiritual ears to hear: HEAR what the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of THE LORD Yeshuah/YahOshahvah is saying to the seven churches..."

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"let those who have spiritual ears to hear: HEAR what the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of THE LORD Yeshuah/YahOshahvah is saying to the seven churches..."

Yahweh,Yeshua,Yahuah,endtimes,rapture,Gospel Truth,len hummel,prophecy today,

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