
'To Each Is Able' by Renku Corporation - modular IDM

'To Each Is Able' by Renku Corporation - modular IDM The start is ALM Dinky's Taiko modulated by TipTop Audio Z8000 triggered by Trigger Riot into Hexinverter Hot Glue mixer compressor out to mix.

The bass is a SDS 3HP VCO into a Z2040 filter sequenced by Havestman Stillson Hammer MK2 and VPME Euclidian Circles to the Hot Glue mix.

The kick is a BD808 into an Intellijel Jellysquasher compressor triggered by Trigger Riot to mix.

The snare is a SN909 triggred by Trigger Riot to the Hot Glue mix.

The rapid drums are the Buck Modular Drumfuck triggered by Noise Engineering Numeric Repetior which is modulated by the Z8000, into a WMD Offset to correct the DC offset then into a Polaris filter modulated by Abstract Data ADE-32 Octocontroller LFO into a God's Box Lollipop compressor into a Erica Synths Pico DSP reverb to mix.

Progressively added to the mix through a Mutagen submixer into a 2HP Freez which is triggered by a Doepfer A-143-1 envelope clocked by a Malekko Varigate4, into Rainmaker delay to mix are:

- Intellijel Plonk triggered by Varigate4.

- TTA One sample player triggered by A-149-2 random breakout.

- WMD Chimera triggered by A-151 clock divider.

- WMD Fracture triggered by A-149-2 random.

The cloudy noisy drums that come in low are an Expert Sleepers General CV in Drum9 mode triggered by Varigate4 into a God's Box Loose Fruit Waveshaper to mix.

At 2:07, the dyads are two WMD Spectrum oscillators being sequenced by an Elektrophon Klang with 4 programmed dyads clocked by a 4MS Rotating Clock Divider. The Spectrums run into a Mutagen submix then to a SEM20 filter modulated by ADE-32 LFO into a uVCA modulated by PEG into 4MS Dual Looping Delay.

The deeper drums rumbling low and making white noise is the Endorphins Black Noir being triggered by a Grayscale Permutation into the Hot Glue mix.

At 3:01 a second synth appears which is the Rossum Panharmonium analyzing a saw wave from a Z3000 oscillator which is being sequenced by the Stillson Hammer. The Panharmonium is clocked to 16ths for analysis and the octave and center frequency are both modulated by Rene V2 which is in turn clocked off the RCD on the x-axis and the x-gate is patched to the y-clock. The panharmonium runs to a WMD UHC lowpass then to a uVCA triggered by a A-143-1.

A lower synth in the background is the Shapeshifter sequenced by a 2HP Arp into a Livewire FrequenSteiner low-pass filter into a uVCA modulated by a A-143-1 into a MakeNoise Echophon.

The glassy organ-like synth at 4:25 is the ALM Akemie's Castle FM synth modulated by an A145-4 quad LFO into a Rossum Morpheus filter modulated by a 2HP LFO to a 2HP VCA modulated by a Quadra envelope to a Dervish FX reverb.

The entire mix runs to a WMD Performance Mixer which then has a WMD Overseer stereo filter and a MSCL compressor/limiter in the insert.


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