
We're a really small store | We don't chase views and likes | Here's what's up with that

We're a really small store | We don't chase views and likes | Here's what's up with that We aren't trying to be professional influencers. We DO say negative stuff about the products, when appropriate. All of our content is self-financed and almost all of our samples are paid for by We always indicate in the video when the samples are supplied gratis. Some of the brands we work with don't like this and actively discourage it because they know that our videos will get more traction (and be more effective ads for them) if we do not disclose that information. We think that would be shady, so we stick to our guns even if it results in a smaller audience and fewer freebies.

We're not in it for fame. We're not in this for the freebies. We're here for YOU, to help you find YOUR hair. ( This also means that we often avoid being the first to review new products. We know how aggressively these products are being promoted here and on Instagram by folks who are looking for free samples in exchange for positive PR. This drives FOMO-based demand for new products, resulting in cycles of anxiety and fake product scarcity (IE: all the backorders on new products you may have noticed since Instagram really took off). This freaks out potential wig buyers and makes them more anxious, which is completely counter to our mission of trying to help alleviate anxiety of this nature for our clients so they can make rational purchasing decisions that are not based on anxiety or other negative emotions associated with their need for medical replacement hair.

The YouTube search algorithm that serves up recommended content, much like the Instagram algorithm, favors paid content and content that is monetized over content that Google and Facebook (their respective parent companies) cannot circulate to make ad revenue. The decision NOT to monetize any of our content -- like, as in ever -- has a chilling effect on the circulation of our content in these platforms for this reason. Therefore, we will never be as big or as visible as a channel or influencer that chooses to monetize.* This helps us avoid potential conflicts of interest. In Heather's opinion, it is a major conflict of interest to showcase styles that are already sold out or in high demand on social media. She'd get way more views that way, and way more attention, but it is counter-productive to promote things online that are already sold out. We try to avoid that whenever possible.

We aren't influencers. The primary difference between us and an influencer is that we make no money from this content directly and often pay for all that content at our own expense. It is a cash loss for us, not a money maker. The money maker is the store, and it is ONLY a money maker if we're doing our jobs correctly and helping you find what you need.

We think that this makes our motivations pretty pure and transparent. And now you know a little more about us!

* None of the comments in this description are intended to be a "sideways jab" at folks who do monetize here. Trying to be a professional influencer is a completely valid career choice in marketing and advertising. There is absolutely no shade intended. By stating our position, we are not intending to minimize, trivialize, or pass judgement on the direction other on social media personalities choose to take here. Anyone who tries to spin our words in that direction clearly has their own agenda and should be considered a potential bully. There is definitely a weird "Mean Girls" culture behind the scenes of the online wig-o-sphere, much of which is spearheaded by competing stores. We intentionally stay out of it because we think high-school drama and cliques are stupid. 💯👍

Thank you for watching!
This video has been produced by – a very small, privately owned and operated online boutique specializing in alternative hair for women in the PCOS community – and wig-lovers everywhere!

Do you have questions about this or any other style? Please contact our Client Care Help Desk (CCHD):

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Filmed in 2019
Written, Filmed, & Produced by Heather Hershey of
Edited by Heather
All Rights Reserved

CysterWigs,Sister Wigs,Sista Wigs,Wig,Wigs,Review,Reviews,Styles,Style,Hair,Hairs,Beauty,Salon,HairDo,Hair Do,HairDo wig,highlight,highlights,highlighted,flower net lace,open weft,True2Life,

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