
Written request to be Unregistered to G.P(General Practitioner) Denied! edited version

Written request to be Unregistered to G.P(General Practitioner) Denied! edited version This video journal is brief witness of the on going false medical care and medical reports written and documented on my behalf which omits all my own requests and input officially which has been discussed privately with my own G.P. leaving on the record only what they state happens or officially has been written leaving myself ignorant of the conspiracy fact which has taken place.

This I believe is a covert practice of managing traumatised dissociates and targets them through their adult life, handling their circumstances by lies, false council, involved with occult and cult and religious organisations, the military and secret covenanted parties like free masons and the like who have a strong involvement of the original induced trauma to the child which intelligence body remain through out their lives in the shadows overseeing and interjecting officially in their care through the organised apparatus set up which these have full control over by authority officially to override any just decision made by unwitting practitioners or any complaint ever made against their multiple agents within them.

In hindsight I have learned from the consistent cover ups and false witness officially written conceals a hidden over seeing organised intelligence body of conspiracy that have overseen my neglect and handling at their conspired control and involving those avenues I have used trying to help myself, some unwittingly but in the case of my G.P, I know she has been actively involved in the conspiracy, perhaps unbeknown to those around her since she has not listened to my input and written up some thing other than what is the truth or input from myself only ever giving verbal acknowledgement and who has avoided covertly and subtly my true needs knowing I believe what they where which is trauma induced dissociation and P.T.S.D which she I believe had some part in the concealing of the covert conditioning practice as she has sent me round the houses on false avenues never recording my reporting they where false and a waste of time and money who also covered up my mothers neglect from the hospital, wilfully covering up their malpractice who also being in support of covering up the neglect with their own, she even stated to myself and mother "What do you want me to do about it!?" rather contemptibly when I sought medical help for my mothers bulging vein which later burst resulting in her hospital admission and subsequent death, which G.P picked up after she again was wilfully neglected by them, a night nurse administered illegally a drug midazolam which was for encase my mother had a brain seizure which she did not, telling me she had given her a sedative and slapped the empty vile on my kitchen counter just as she left which resulted in my mother being taken into a hospice where she was finished off by drugs who some overseeing her care from there where in conspiracy with the G.P practice and those at the hospital, even the burial plot my mother reserved and paid for was denied by the church of England so she was cremated to cover up any evidence I believe, showing through all my experience a shadow overseeing body manipulating my circumstances by giving verbal false witness to those also involved in my care, being struck off from other G.P practices I registered with which again was on the back of this shadowing authoritative false council, even a G.P that put in an official complaint and which surgery I was struck off from without a written or official reason and that G.P I was registered to following the neglect from the one before went missing leaving no record of me being at the practice or the complaint made against them on my behalf which to date remains denied and concealed, even the doctors receptionist are a fire wall to conspire to protect G.P's malpractice as my doctor would tell me to make follow up appointments after seeing her which these receptionists would deny, the doctor was aware of this and in my case employed them to do it being the senior partner in the practice.

This journal is a video response and witness of the ongoing cover up of the original abuse experienced in 1997 after the death of my brother which was also covered up officially what took place. He was murdered covertly in a military hospital and I personally witnessed them refusing to treat him and the following official conspired cover ups and my family experienced an attempt from a soldier to warn us which he got caught talking to us and disappeared plus other crafty underhanded techniques where used, his inquest was done and dusted before it started and he never once received a police statement interview regarding what initially happened and in hindsight the abuse has been consistent as those involved, showing more than an unwitting relationship with G.P practices but one of complete communication and complicatedness especially in my family's circumstance, this is not paranoid, psychosis or conspiracy theory but one simply of fact.

G.P registration,N.H.S malpractice,medical malpractice,G.P MALPRACTICE,N.H.S conspiracy,immigration,N.H.S,cover ups,false practice,G.P neglect,wilful negligence,G.P negligence,covert harassments,covert electromagnetic pulses,targeting individuals,S.S,shadow intelligence,Government corruption,Perdition,Brussels,UK lawlessness,G.P's omissions,N.H.S cover ups,MK Ultra,trauma induced dissociation,whitle blower,N.H.S privatisation,

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