People like extreme rides. Especially those that take your breath away, give you goose bumps and force you to close your eyes. When we ride on different attractions or watch horror movies, our body produces adrenaline, which in turn generates a feeling of happiness. Also, moving at high speeds, with the wind right in your face and feeling like you're flying... you wouldn't trade that for anything. And yet, some attractions are TOO cool. In fact so cool that not everyone has the courage to ride them. But if you're willing to take the risk... then buckle up and...
List,Top 10,Facts,Viral,10 Most,braintime,brain time,brain,time,amazing,unbelievable,incredible,in the world,most,the most,the,list,best,video,people,facts,interesting,interesting facts,9 Attractions,Attractions,You,Don't,Have,Guts,Go On,extreme rides,different attractions,high speeds,some attractions,Eejanaika,Tourbillon,Hyper Space Warp,Uppswinget,