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In Episode 18 I reach my end of year whits and it presents itself in the form of shear nonesense in this 2019 Homemade Home Christmas Spectacular.....it's not all jokes, serious work gets done on this renovation, completely reframing the front bedroom floor. I decided to sister on new joists to help with the sag........there's a lot of other stuff, but that is the gist. Thank you all for watching, it has been a lot of work doing the renovation and I'm not always motivated to stay on task, what kept me going when I wanted to run the other way is knowing people are waiting for videos. Thanks for the pressure!
My tools sold here along with things I wish I had.....
Miter saw-
Framing Nail Gun-
My Camera ( Canon 80D ) -
My Computer-
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My website- www.thehomesteadcraftsman.com
Where I have books, shirts, knives, woodworking plans and more.