
Becoming a Certified Canadian with Pond Hockey and Puppies in the Snow

Becoming a Certified Canadian with Pond Hockey and Puppies in the Snow I've never felt as Canadian, like Certified Canadian, as after playing a little pond hockey. Even the German Shepherd Puppies in the snow are a striking symbol of Canada.

We are upping our game by clearing and flooding the beaver pond so we can play all winter long. It is super rewarding just to flood the rink, and then to play pond hockey on the fresh ice, well it almost makes me emotional.

We can probably save you some grief by watching our first attempt at a cold weather flood. Note: things freeze really fast at -20.

Maybe our favorite part of the puppies in the snow is how the snow flakes stick on the fur without melting, it actually seems fake, like movie snow.

Music: "The Ballad of Jesse James" by North Country Gentlemen

Play pond hockey or flood your own rink? Outside of Canada? You may actually be Certified Canadian without even being a Canadian!? Let us know!

certified canadian,pond hockey,puppies in the snow,off-grid,

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