
Directly from the decision makers: #Insurance and #insurtech trends I learned at DKM

Directly from the decision makers: #Insurance and #insurtech trends I learned at DKM At the DKM conference - gathering 17.000 insurance and insurtech professionals from Germany - I asked movers and shakers, thought leaders and sales managers from about their view on current trends.

Here some views.

“Digital transformation is happening everywhere. Most of our discussions are about simplicity, how to gain more customer-centricity, and using technology,” Kai Kuklinski, the Chief Distribution Officer at AXA.

“Everybody is talking about digitization, and I think that it’s the megatrend in the community,” Stephan Schinnenburg, CSO @DFV. Carlos Reiss, CEO at Assuro, Bastian Kunkel, Broker at Versicherungenmitkopf, and Oliver Pradetto, MD at Blay Direkt, agree, but Oliver adds that the chance to get closer to the client is also the in thing.

“Everything is changing. It’s a fourth industrial revolution. Things won’t slow down. All the megatrends that have been there the past years will stay, but they will pick up speed more and more, Dr. Matthias Maslation, Board Member at ARAG.

“A big move in terms of personalization – to be right on the head – to address the client need in the right moment,” Stefan Riedel, VP Insurance Europe at IBM. Alexander Grimm also shares the same opinion but places emphasis on customer service and experience. According to Lars Riemekasten, Innovation Executive at SAP, “The trend is to see how customers or insurance companies can increase the efficiency of processes.”

“I see smart services via Facebook and Twitter and to create more and more content for the Generation Y to bring products to these target groups,” Stefan Wittmann, director at Deutsche Ruckversicheurng. Thomas Heindl, Head Marketing at LV1871, thinks the important stuff will be to improve P2P marketing relationship between insurers and brokers.” Stephen Voss, CEO at Neodigital and Konrad Schmidt MD at DKM Conference, also believes that the value of personal communication is still very essential.

In the video, you will discover the trends and projections from different insurance industry leaders and how companies are setting themselves up to align with these developments.

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