

I HATE MY TWIN BROTHER Hi, I’m Tamsin, and even though I’m only 17, I’m pregnant for the second time in my life already. And I won’t lie, I’m a little bit nervous because of what happened to me before. I remember the first time I noticed I had a weird scar on my stomach. I was 5 and we were at the beach with my cousins. My one aunt started shouting at my mom telling her to cover me up or people would know that I was ​that​ Tamsin. I asked my mom what the scar was from and my mom said I’d had my appendix removed. My aunt laughed and said, “Liar!” but I was too young to ask any more questions. But then when I was 14, my appendix burst. I was at school and suddenly I had this sharp pain in my stomach. I told my teacher and she said it looked like my appendix and then immediately called my mom and an ambulance. I told her I didn’t know we had two appendixes, and she looked at me weirdly. The doctors removed my appendix and suddenly I had a lot of questions for my mom. But before I could even ask her, the surgeon turned to me and said, “You’ve certainly grown into a lovely young lady. Pity about your twin...I have two sons who would love a girlfriend like you. Guess they’ll just have to fight over you.” Then he walked away. What was he talking about??? A twin?? My mom came into the room right afterwards and she could see something was wrong. “Did I have a twin, mom?” I shouted at her!!! And then she broke down and told me everything. Just before I was born, the doctor was checking my mom and saw what looked like a lump growing inside me. He was pretty worried and suggested that my mom have surgery so they could check everything was OK. Then when they operated they discovered something crazy...the lump turned out to be another baby growing inside ME. Somehow my fetus body had grown a baby inside it!! My mom didn’t believe it, and said it was impossible! But the doctor said they needed to operate immediately incase the baby crushed some of my organs. Everyone in the hospital was freaking out! They’d never seen anything like it!! I was born a healthy baby, but with a baby inside me!! My mom got to hold me for about 5 minutes before I was taken into surgery to remove the baby. The scariest part is that this baby had somehow managed to grow...she had black hair and a few teeth and one eye. She was only half formed. She had no brain or heart, ​so she couldn’t survive, but still. She would have been my sister, but also technically my daughter!! And then the doctors looked back at the early scans and realised my mom had been pregnant with twins, and that I’d somehow absorbed my twin!! I was so upset and disgusted when she told me. Then she pulled out all these newspaper clippings. I’d been all over the news!!! And it had been the same surgeon who’d done the operation!! No wonder he recognized me!! I felt like a freak and after that my life kind of went downhill. I started doing badly at school and I hated my mom for lying to me all these years. When I was 16 I dropped out of school, moved in with my boyfriend and his mom, and now I’m 17 and I’m pregnant. He suggested we get an abortion and I’d freaked out. I’d already lost one baby, I couldn’t lose another! One day he asked about my scar, and that’s when I told him... He was grossed out and said, “Imagine if they hadn’t discovered it, and you’d just had this thing growing inside you!” he said. He was right. What if they hadn’t detected it?? And then the moment of truth came... I went for my first scan... “This might shock you, but it looks like there are two babies in there,” the doctor said, smiling. Babies?! Plural...? Hang on... And then he gasped. “I’m sorry, but it looks like one didn’t make it,” he said. And then he looked really shocked. Turns out they hadn’t removed my twin properly when I was a baby. There were still parts of it in there!! I couldn’t believe it. The doctor started panicking and said there’s nothing they can do until my baby is born. 6 months later, I gave birth to my baby boy and he turned out to have 3 arms and 28 fingers instead of 20!! The doctor said that those extra parts belong to the previous female fetus, therefore my son will be having masculine and feminine arms in the future, and that there is a chance that he would grow as well!! What do you think of my abnormal story? Please share your comments and don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to the channel!


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