
Keep These Facts Firmly in Mind December 8, 2019 By Anna Von Reitz

Keep These Facts Firmly in Mind December 8, 2019 By Anna Von Reitz Help support the work of Anna and the Living Law Firm here or look for the PayPal button on

Keep These Facts Firmly in Mind December 8, 2019 By Anna Von Reitz

The actual government of this country is vested entirely in the living
people. That is why it is called a government "of the people, for the
people, by the people".

It follows that no incorporated entity can ever be the government of this

Corporations of various kinds can serve the living people. Only.

When a living man, one of the people, acts in a Public Capacity -- for
example, serves as a Juror, he is acting in a "corporate" capacity --- the
Office of a Juror, but still not acting in an "incorporated" capacity.

This is the same difference you see between unincorporated small
businesses, like Mel's Autobody, and incorporated businesses like GE, Inc.,
or Intel, Inc.

A unincorporated small business is "corporate" but unincorporated. It does
not owe its existence to any charter granted by any government.

In the same way, when a living man acts in a Public Capacity, as a State
Citizen, a Juror, a Sheriff, a Coroner, a Justice of the Peace, and so on,
he acts in a corporate but still unincorporated capacity as one of the

While acting in a Public Capacity of Office, each American acts as either
(1) a Lawful Person (land jurisdiction) or a (2) Legal Person (sea
jurisdiction). The land jurisdiction protects you while you are standing
on the land and soil, and the Queen or King of Britain is supposed to be
protecting you on the "High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways" but they
haven't been doing that.

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