🎇Bonne Année 2020🎇
Qualité vidéo minimum 720P(HD)
➡️Profitez vite de la chaîne📺
➡️Active la 🔔 pour ne rater aucune vidéo !
📲🌏Réseaux sociaux
📲📶WHATSAPP(0769420003) : djwyzard972
📲📶WHATSAPP: djwyzard972
Ajouter le contact 0769420003
Sinon ça passe pas
📲📶INSTAGRAM : djwyzard972
📲📶MESSENGER : djwyzard972
📲📶Facebook : Pédro dj Wyzard
📌Contact collaboration
DJWyzard972 @gmail.com
Musicalement, DJ Wyzard😉
#KompaChiré #MinKode
I welcome you all.
Many of you have chosen to follow me.
I want to be on top, for you all year 2019.
Thank you for trusting me. It is a great happiness.
I hope to make you spend magical moments in music.
Several PLAYLISTS are waiting for you to travel to music
Be thanked for your loyalty
Enjoy the chain quickly Musically, DJ Wyzard😉