
Online dating a Russian man is not only funny, but also strange

Online dating a Russian man is not only funny, but also strange Greetings from Russia! Yes, I know that my regular viewers hate this, but I have to say that I am a single Russian man who is looking for a foreign bride. Because of these videos, I have lost a lot of old subscribers. Sometimes they write me curses and threats. From time to time, someone calls me on the phone and breathes passionately into the telephone receiver. I think they are taking revenge on me this way due to a change in the theme of my channel.

Yes, it's about dating Russian men. I am still looking for a foreign bride here. And today I am going to tell you about some funny and strange cases. Unfortunately, I do not receive a large number of letters. The fact is that YouTube is not a dating site. And I am the only Russian who uses this site for other purposes. But then I have no competitors. And I have no conscience either.

OK, dating a Russian man. So, sometimes very interesting people write to me. For example, one man pretended to be my pen pal. And then he sent me photos of his genitals. And it turned out that he believed that I was his soul mate.

Another date with Russian men. There was an opposite case in my practice. One girl sent me her nude photos and videos, because I thought that she was my soul mate. And then she wrote to me that we were just pen pals. Hey, girl, I am not going to give your name. But bear in mind that I have been watching your dog and your sister’s dog. I even remember their names.

Another interesting woman said that she was Princess Romanova who wanted to date a Russian man. To be honest, in real life I am a very gullible person. But even I did not believe her. Although I liked her intentions. She promised to marry me and even offered to live together. Me, she and her female friend.

Dear girls, keep writing letters to me if you like the idea of dating a Russian man. Yes, some of you are clearly crazy. But I believe that sooner or later a decent girl will write to me. That special girl who wants to become my wife and the mother of my future children. From Russia with love!

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