
Religious Freedom vs Gay conversion therapy

Religious Freedom vs Gay conversion therapy With a religious freedom bill being tossed around on a Federal level and a gay conversion therapy ban pledged in the State of Victoria, I thought it would be a good time to talk about the difference between religious freedom and a religious free-for-all: that is, how we can balance LGBT+ rights, ban the abhorrent practice of gay conversion therapy, and not whip ourselves up into an unnecessary tizzy over religious freedoms. LGBT+ lives matter. Religious freedom matters. One doesn't come at the expense of the other as long as the church (i.e. the broader institution. I'm not singling out any one church here!) faces up to some things.

Oh also, if you missed the story that prompted all this, check it out here

gay conversion therapy,how i survived gay conversion therapy,sexual orientation change efforts,ban gay conversion therapy,australian christian lobby,privilege,pray the gay away,torture,

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