
Succubus Alpha Review and Suggestions

Succubus Alpha Review and Suggestions In this video I discuss the alpha demo for MadMind Studio's upcoming Succubus game. Having filled out the form already, I figure it would be good to also be able to provide some visual demonstrations.

In short:

-The optional censorship mode (that would allow people to upload videos to Youtube/Twitch) doesn't work consistently, with things that ought to be censored not being so in some cases

-When designing levels, they should avoid having areas that look like they'd be dangerous to the player when they are not, such as segments of floor being lava with bone meshing covering it

-The impact sound of bone weapons hitting something should be changed

-Suggestions for the possible upgrades one could get in the game include longer sprints and lengthened group stuns

At the moment, the suggestions for changes are fairly arbitrary and suggestions, I would assume, minor. There wasn't much in the game that I found to be aggregious from a design perspective or broken, so it does seem that they're off to a solid start.


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