
Wanna succeed in acting? (You need to be F-able!)

Wanna succeed in acting? (You need to be F-able!) Off course you need to watch the video to find out what I really mean.

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Instead, you're just allowing all of your pure human vision to come out of you when you're using somebody else's lines. Now, there are rules that you have to follow, right? You have to memorize a script and you have to stand in a certain place. Sometimes you will have to cry on cue and you will have to walk from here to there and you'll have to kiss this person and all of those things, but they don't have to be related to the way that you're actually feeling.

The way that you're feeling is something that you don't have to take a moment of consideration to figure out. You actually have to stop considering, and that's the hardest thing about being untamed. It's why this channel exists. It's why my class exists, it's why there are coaches at all. And there's a difference between, you know, acting as a kid and acting as a co-star and just getting the job done.

There are acting jobs where you just need to get the job done. You need to show up. They want you to stand in one place. They want you to say your three lines as cop number three, and they want you to get out of the way and just move the story forward. That gets done right? And we have to be able to do that.

I'm taking things a little further and I'm talking about turning you into somebody who can actually headline the movie. Somebody that the cop is there to give the attention to. Someone who is a star. And you know what is a star? I think this idea of being untamed comes really close to it.

It's not wild, right? Untamed is different than wild, because wild has the idea of no boundaries and there are boundaries. Right? Boundaries are interesting. Form and structure are really interesting any type of art. It's why it's called an art form. Because the structure that's put up around what you're allowed to do is important in determining how you get your vision across in spite of those blocks.

The medium is a part of that form, right? The fact that I have to stand in one place and have this light to my left and have the camera in front of me and I have to have my eye line in a certain place, and all those things have to be done while I still feel what I'm feeling. .

It's a matter of just finding your pure essence and getting beyond all of the lessons that you've learned about hiding your true self from us. A lot of people think getting into acting is about playing somebody else. And I get this from a lot of students. I ask them why they like acting, why they want to be a film actor.

And you know, survey says one of the top three answers is "I like pretending to be other people." Well, you're not going to become a star pretending to be other people. The only thing that we are interested in paying to see is you.

You are, you'll hear this a lot in acting classes. You are enough. And in fact, you are much more than enough. You are absolutely essential. Without you there, there's nothing to see. We need a performer who's willing to tap into their untamed nature and show it to us , someone who is willing to go through something, true change or transformation, on screen in front of us so that we ourselves in the audience can then transform and change ourselves.

I mention this all the time in my videos. And that is, we don't care how you feel. When I'm paying $28 to go to the theater, all I care about is what is going to happen to me. How am I going to be different after I see this movie?

You know, a lot of times, um, it comes down to, and they say-- there's a great Nick Nolte movie and I can't remember the name of it right now. We need to do a whole video on this. It's a movie that started out as a musical, and then they cut out all the songs. It's, ah, Nick Nolte is an out of work actor in Los Angeles with a small daughter.

If anybody remembers the name of it, please put it in the comments.

And he, uh--oh, there's a scene, he's going out for a movie. And the, I believe the casting director is Albert Brooks. And Albert Brooks looks around the room at the people who are casting and the only question he asks is, "do you want to fuck him?"

And it's a huge part of being castable and not because you're fuckable right? It's not about being a sex object, but when you want to have intercourse with somebody, it means that you want to be intimate with them. It means that you want to possess them. It means that you want to become them. It means that you want to be possessed by them. All of those things.

If you really want to do work, if you're in this business because you have a vision that you must share with the world, then you must be untamed. .


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