
When I was young and got older by Paula Abdul Sutton Sr| Paula Abdul

When I was young and got older by Paula Abdul Sutton Sr| Paula Abdul It is self explanatory when we are young we look different and as we age. We become different our hair colors change from light to dark. Our hair may think. Our skin tone may get lighter or darker. We may gain weight or loose weight. But it does not mean we are a different person on the inside. Most people frat growing up or even growing old. But don't fear it. Grow more beautiful as you get older and own it. Switch lives change professions . Do what you want to do with your career. Be a singer, be a musician, be a pop star, be a Supermodel, be a Beauty Queen, be yourself and of other people cant take it or except the real you. They are not truly your friends or family. Family truly loves you and excepts you and loves you unconditionally whether you have ages or not. Be beautiful, be brave, be unforgettable. Love Paula Abdul Sutton Sr a.k.a. your champion Paula Abdul peace.


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