
Why dont cats and dogs get along interesting to know keep it in mind

Why dont cats and dogs get along interesting to know keep it in mind Why don't cats and dogs get along? | Interesting to know | Keep it in mind

An endless hostility for centuries...

"Fighting like cats and dogs." Have you ever wondered where this sentence, that is used in almost every language, comes from ?

Many dogs cannot remain calm as soon as they perceive a cat and therefore start to chase it. But why do dogs chase cats? Or why does a cat go into defensive position immediately when it sees a dog? In fact, there is not only one answer to this question. Let's see how the experts explained this situation...

1. The ancestor of house dogs is the wolf

The ancestors of our lovely, loyal, little friends who live with us at our homes today, are the wolves. As you know, wolves are hunting animals that live in herds. Although the domestic dog is a different animal than the wolf, it could not get rid of the hunting instinct of its ancestors and the most important reason for hunting cats is, right, this instinct. It causes dogs to perceive small creatures as prey, so they can't stop hunting cats even if they don't eat them.

Some dog breeds even prefer to hunt cats much more than others. As you can imagine, first place is taken by the Wolfhound. Dachshund, also known as Dachsjäger, and some small Terrier-type dogs used to hunt cat-sized animals like foxes or raccoons are also eager to hunt cats.

2. Difference in their body language

Cats shake their tails when they are angry unlike dogs, that shake their tails when they are happy... So that means, that they send each other wrong signals. One of the theories that cats and dogs cannot get along is miscommunication.

3. The smells that the cat emits

Another theory is that the smell of some cats disturbs dogs and pushes them to hunt cats. In fact, this is in line with the predatory instincts of dogs, as we just said.

Let's get to one of the most important factors...

4. Impact of humans

Stray dogs and cats live in many countries without fighting. But the situation for pets is changing. People who feed dogs and cats need to know the mood and character traits of their cute little friends.

There are very "interesting" people. For example, people who walk their dogs and encourage them to catch cats as soon as they see one... These types of people basically educate their dogs to hunt cats.

Yes, maybe they aren't aware of it, but that's exactly what they do. Unfortunately, some people DO train dogs to catch cats. These people, especially those who train breeds like Pitbull and Dogo Argentino to hunt, catch and kill cats, do evil not only to cats but also to their dogs. Some of these dog breeds are perceived as monsters, although they can be very loving. In short, if you have a dog or a cat, your responsibility is enormous.

So what can you do to prevent your dog from hunting cats?

The first and most effective measure you can take is to keep your dog on a leash at all times. Experts also say that basic commands like "Stop", "Sit" and "Come here" effectively stop dogs during hunting. If, despite these precautions, you cannot stop your dog from hunting cats, it is best to consult a specialist.

Keep in mind that cats and dogs adopted as puppies can be very good friends. Because love is already in them. Well, it's up to let them be that way.


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