
You've got Maids of Syracuse (part 20|20 )

You've got Maids of Syracuse (part 20|20 ) I'm moving into this house with my wife and 2 years old daughter who's 2nd birthday is today. The house has been empty for a few months and the previous tenent was not very diligent about dusting so there was a lot of dust and cobwebs accumulated throughout the entire house. I hired "You've got Maids of Syracuse" to clean the house before we move in and while the house is empty so that it would be easier to clean and so that no cleaning chemicals would get on any of our possessions, furniture, clothes, TVs, jewelry, plants, etc... when I called to schedule the cleaning I asked for their "Moving In" services which can be found here on their website.

When I spoke to the secretary on the phone I gave her a description of the house and its condition. I asked that the cleaners focus primarily on the dust & cobwebs, floors, cupboards, windows, surfaces. These areas and many more are included in their "Moving In" services. I told the secretary that the microwave was brand new so it did not need to be cleaned. The inside of the fridge and oven did not need to be cleaned and the mudroom did not need to be cleaned as I wanted their primary focus to be in the living areas of the house. The secretary said that is fine and they were scheduled to clean on Tuesdays November 26th, 2019 at noon for $322.88. I told the secretary that I would meet the cleaners at noon to unlock the house. The day of the ceaning, I was just walking out the door to go to the house when I received a call from the secretary to tell me that the cleaners would be an hour and forty minutes late. This through off my entire day, but I need the house clean so I kept the appointment. The cleaners arrived at 1:37pm, I gave them a tour of the house and told them the same focus areas that I told the secretary. They started cleaning at 1:45. At 4:15pm the cleaners appeared to still be cleaning and given a check, by my landlord, for $322.88... These videos show the many, many areas that they did not clean and many, many areas that might have wiped but are not clean. Their website said 100% satisfaction guaranteed. I am the opposite of satisfied, feel duped, and have been made to feel like a fool as I convinced my new landlord to hire and pay for a cleaning company. Now I need to call my landlord to tell her all this and to have her cancel the check if it hasn't been cashed yet.


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