![How To Establish Trust In An Organization (INSTANTLY) How To Establish Trust In An Organization (INSTANTLY)](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ji8DnIMcR8A/maxresdefault.jpg)
We might expect honesty in our workplace conversations, but do we get it?
We cannot presume honesty unless we are working in an organizational culture that supports it. What does that look like? Here are three key elements
1) The culture must be non-judgmental. If I know you are going to actively listen to me and hear me out without judging, I am much more likely to say what I think. Judgement is a show stopper. Judgment prematurely qualifies, analyzes or provokes doubt in what someone is sharing. Non-judgement hears and explores ideas rather than immediately placing value on them.
2) In a culture supporting honesty, people do what they said they will do. When actions and words don’t align, it creates a violation of trust. Sometimes it only takes one violation of trust to create distrust. In an aligned culture trust reigns within all facets and levels of the organization and extends to customers and clients as well.
3) Honesty will be hard pressed to find in a culture that does not allow for mistakes. Creating a culture where original mistakes are used as learning opportunities allows people the chance to grow past a mistake. People can then achieve in ways they never could if the mistake was swept under the rug or not personally accounted for.
Practicing non judgement, doing what we say we will do, and owning up to and troubleshooting mistakes takes away the need to say “To be honest”. Honestly.
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