
Lead Form Ads Drive Results For High-End Business | Augurian

Lead Form Ads Drive Results For High-End Business | Augurian Senior Manager Jason Stempel explains how he drove a massive increase in leads for a client selling luxury products. Watch to find out how he used automated bidding on Google and lead form ads on Facebook to reach people in-market for high-end home goods.

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Video Transcription:

Josh Becerra: Hi, everybody. This is Josh Becerra from Augurian, I'm here with Jason Stempel. Jason and I were talking about some great results we've just been getting from a luxury manufacturer client of ours. We've seen some huge increases in lead volume, over 470%, as well as decreases in the cost per lead by over 80%. How are we doing this?

Jason Stempel: These are some really fantastic results. Previously, our client was exclusively running advertising on Google ads. Just for a little bit of history, the luxury products that they manufacture and advertise are up against increasing competition in Google search results from advertisers who were selling a much cheaper item. It was difficult to compete against these advertisers because they would get just as many clicks, but more people, the average Joe is able to afford this other seller's item.

Joshua: Item that's not luxury.

Jason: Yes.

Joshua: Yes, got it.

Jason: The first thing we did was make some adjustments in Google ads. Before, we were trying to advertise at the top of Google search results alongside these other advertisers. Instead, what we did was we changed our bidding strategy to maximize impression share at around 90%, and we dropped our bids by saying we were willing to advertise anywhere on the first page as opposed to the top of the first page.
What we learned by doing this was: number one, average cost per click on Google ads went down significantly. Those top three positions in Google ads search results are maybe 80% more expensive than just being on the first page of results.

Joshua: We'll let the people who are selling the cheaper items take those and compete for those.

Jason: Yes, let them compete for that. What we learned is that the people who are in market for our client's luxury items were willing to scroll down the page further because they weren't seeing what they were hoping for from those cheaper advertisers, or from those advertisers selling cheaper products.

Joshua: Did the ad copy change? Or what happened to make sure that the person who was scrolling down said, "That's the stuff I'm looking for. I'm clicking on that."?

Jason: That's another great point. We did change the ad copy. Previously, we had been running ads that looked on the surface more similar to our client's competitors, except our client's competitors were advertising these low price points. We were trying to initially advertise the style of these products. We replaced these ads with new ads that focused more on the empathy for a luxury buyer, focusing on things like customization and bragging about the scope and size of other customers who would buy this type of luxury item.

Joshua: They saw it and they were like, "Oh, wow, they did that for them? Then they can build that for me too."

Jason: That's exactly what happened. Then lastly, we improved the landing page. The client had recently gone through a full website redesign, and through that process, which as any business knows, is challenging and a big deal. Paid media landing pages hadn't been developed. We were driving traffic to the homepage and some other pages on their website, but not a page that had a form, and had a piece of gated content that was inspiring and enticing for someone to say, "I want to fill out this form so I get this piece of content."
Once we switched over to the new landing page design with the gated content, we saw conversion volume really skyrocket, and we saw cost per conversion decline quite a bit too. We were able to double our lead volume on Google ads month over month.

Joshua: Wow, they must have been ecstatic about these big swings.

Jason: It was fantastic.

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