
My alternative approach to Goal Setting and Planning

My alternative approach to Goal Setting and Planning Entrepreneurship is the road less traveled.

You didn’t get into this game because you wanted the easy option and you are prepared to do the work!

You’ve got BIG Dreams.

Big, hairy financial goals that you might even be too scared to admit to yourself.

You know you are here to serve MANY people.

To make a BIG impact.

And the pain you are feeling because you’re not there yet, sucks.

Big time.

I know - cos I’ve been there too

I’ve set big lofty goals “inspired” by all the gurus.

I know in my heart I’m meant for something more but time after time, I sabotaged myself by all of the self-doubt and lack of confidence.

This had the double blow of my missing out on all of the small wins I actually did have along the way.

I was so focused on what I wasn’t getting I missed out on all of the stuff I had achieved.

So this year I’m doing it differently

Watch this week's video to hear how.

And if you'd like help formulating your strategic marketing plan, let's talk!

Schedule a free strategy call here:

business,entrepreneurship,goal setting 2020,planning,business coach,marketing strategy,marketing planning process,marketing planning and strategy,small business ideas,

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