Pastor Joram Rusere
1 John 3:9;1 John 1:9; Jeremiah 32:40;
You can never change your life until you change what you are doing wrong.
Being born again is instantaneous progress, being sanctified is a process.
Whoever born of God does not sin.
Salvation is an about-turn from your old way of life.
When you sin you have no peace.
When you sin your heart beats shows you are born again.
You cannot receive the seed of God and remain the same.
A righteous seed cannot produce sin.
We should not change the word of god to fit our lifestyle. But we should change our lifestyle to fit the word of god.
All night prayer without true repentance is a waste of time.
Confession is a sign that you fear God.
God wants you to confess your sins to one another.
When you mess up, you face up, you don't cover-up.
Have someone mature to confess your sins too.
You have to embarrass sin before it embarrasses you in public.
When a man's ways please God, He causes his enemy to at peace with him.
Righteousness promotes a generation but sin is a reproach.
Sin robs you of your dominion here on earth.