

PROJECT: 8 UNUSUAL WAYS TO WELLBEING This is a project aims to value alternative ways to wellbeing.

According to NHS, The Royal College of Psychiatrists estimates that ONLY 50 to 65% of people treated with an antidepressant for depression will see an improvement.

That means up to half of people need to figure out what else they could do.

Some people would try ways like art-therapy or practicing mindfulness, since they are already being recommended by lots of people.

However, that does not mean they work on everyone, maybe someone needs something different.

For instance, listening to heavy music not only releases my stress, but also gives positive energy when I am down, but the opinions from research are vary.

That’s why I believe that there are many other alternatives to wellbeing that could work but only little people know because of a lack of validation from professional or general public.

However, that does not mean they are not working.

The reason is the fact that even doctors don’t know what exactly can work and why.

What if there are some alternative ways that are working but we have not been discussed enough?

Therefore, I started to collect people’s alternative ways to wellbeing, especially the ones that can’t be found on the internet or somehow paradoxical.

Then what I wanted to do was giving those alternative ways a chance to be seen and discovered by my areas installing performance.

In this performance, I was installing designated areas for those alternative ways as a stuff from the tube station, so people would give those alternative ways a thought.

They might ask themselves: why we need an area for that? Installed by a wellbeing stuff?


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