
There Are No Surprises For Me - Daily Prophetic Word

There Are No Surprises For Me - Daily Prophetic Word Surely I am with you in these days ahead of you. I am guiding you, steering you, helping you find where to go next. Even though the path looks dim at times, trust I am with you guiding you step by step along the way. (1)

There are no surprises for me. There is nothing I don't see. There is nothing that will catch me by surprise. While you may be unsure at times about the outcome of the day, or even your immediate future, always be sure your security and trust is in me, knowing I will not fail you. (2)

I will show myself strong on your behalf. As you come close to me, listen to me, follow me, hold close and tight to me you will see my heart for you. You will know me. (3)

Know my heart burns for you will an everlasting, unquenchable fire. It is a burning that knows no limits, knows no bounds. I am motivated by my love for you, to help you, to bless you, to hold you, to protect you, and even to correct you along the way. (4)

Even though it may seem I am distant at times, always trust I am with you and I will never leave or forsake you, even though you may not feel me, hear me, or see me. I am with you always, even until the end of days, until the end of the age. (5)

(1) Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 16:9, Psalm 37:23
(2) Revelation 1:8
(3) 2 Chronicles 16:9
(4) Hebrews 12:29, Song of Solomon 8:6
(5) Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5, Matthew 28:20

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