
Veganuary 2020 - Before You Start

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Veganuary 2020 - Before You Start

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2020 is here, and so is your new chance to become vegan.
But there’s one problem: Becoming vegan is hard. We think we must say goodbye to very tasty food and suddenly turn into monks or saints.

This can feel overwhelming and can be very, very complicated.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. And that, my currently-non-vegan-but-soon-to-be-vegan-friend, is where Veganuary comes in.

It’s a 30-day challenge in the month January to go vegan and see the effects it has on your body, mind and spirit. It's for weight loss and it's known for getting results. It's BIG and there just recently was a Veganuary Advert in TV!

Just give veganism 31 days and then decide for yourself if you want to continue this journey – or not.
But before you start, you have to learn these 3 things, these 3 tips, to make Veganuary 2020 way easier.

Here is the truth about Veganuary from a 5-year vegan that completely changed his eating behaviour. I was a heavy meat eater before, my grandfather was a hunter and I’ve witnessed animal slaughter as a young kid. Yet I still managed to make this big shift in my lifestyle.

If I can do it, so can you. Here's how to own Veganuary 2020 anywhere in this world, the UK, US and EU - and shift your lifestyle:

Before I became vegan I absolutely loved Big Macs from McDonalds. There was just something special about them that I really couldn’t get enough of.
And I always promised to myself, that whatever comes, I will eat a Big Mac once again if I go on this vegan journey.

I promised this to myself 5 years ago, and guess what, I never did it. Just recently I ate a vegan burger that tasted exactly like a Big Mac.

But just having this option open of reverting back to my old lifestyle, of trying a Big Mac once again, was way easier.

This was so powerful because it took pressure of my shoulders. It gave me a choice.

See Veganuary is not going to work if you’re forcing yourself on this path. If you constantly put pressure on your shoulders and force yourself to perform.

While I’d love if you’re staying a vegan afterwards, you also need to know that it’s okay, if for whatever reason you eat meat again afterwards. Because if you don’t know that you have this option open, you will engage in self sabotaging behaviour on your journey.

You will poke holes in your armour before stepping on the battlefield. It's usually not the lack of meal plans or gadgets in veganuary that make people fail, it's the self created pressure.

So 1. Don’t drown in self created pressure

What you have to understand before Veganuary is that the whole purpose of this 30-day challenge, is to develop yourself and learn something new.
Most people don’t go into Veganuary to stay the same or walk backwards, no, they start Veganuary to transform themselves and develop themselves.
So if you want to become a healthier version, a more compassionate or a more spiritual version even, Veganuary is great. What some people are doing wrong though, is that they think they need to do it all by themselves.
See the whole ‘Veganuary’ movement was actually started by a charity that gives you guidance for 31 days and is 100% free.

The only thing you need to do is to put in your email address, and you get great info to absolutely rock your 31 days.

If you don’t want to get guidance by those guys, at least find a person or a friend that is where you want to be and has your best interest in mind.
If you don’t seek guidance, from a proven mentor, you’re simply shooting yourself in the foot.

2. If you go in the jungle, take a Bear Grylls with you
Because Veganuary has a purpose of self development, there are also some pitfalls that come along with that.

One of the biggest ones arguably, is resistance. There’s a great book called ‘The War of Art’ and the author Steven Pressfield, calls this force that is holding our heels in every positive change in our life, resistance.
This evil force called ‘resistance’ comes in multiple forms. When you’re a couple days in this challenge, your brain will probably tell you things like: “Come on, this is not really healthy. Is it?” And “You can’t go for 30 days, you’ve never done this before.” Or “You’ve accidentally eaten this cookie that had milk in it, everything is lost now.”

If you want to start a business, you hear that negative voice. If you want to start a fitness routine, you hear that negative voice. If you want to become vegan, you hear that negative voice.

Don’t listen. Your decision here, makes all the difference buddy.
3. Deal with resistance like a boss

Thank you for your time and thank you for your trust. I hope you have a great day. :-)

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