
2 19 2020 The Conscious Self-Healthcare Conversation Radio Show with Karen Khadijah Davis-Foulks

2 19 2020 The Conscious Self-Healthcare Conversation Radio Show with Karen Khadijah Davis-Foulks If you are ready to rewrite your story with...
Your innermost self already knows if this is the next step for you on your life’s path. Simply place your hand on your heart, close your eyes, take a deep breath, quiet the mind, and call upon your inner knowing. Ask unto yourself, “Is this something that could benefit me?

“Fear is not real. It is a product of our imaginations. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts about the future - causing us to suffer things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near Insanity! Now do not get me wrong, Danger is very real. But fear is a choice.”

Tune in today 2-19-2020 today we will reflect on How am I Making Conscious Self-Healthcare M.O.V.E.S. for myself first and not feel like I am not supportive of others in my life. What do you say call in and share how you care for yourself or do you support other's over first over Self-Love, Self-Care, Self-Respect and do you have Self-Assurance?

Tired of not getting the results you've expected regarding your health and wellness....BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT WITH ME NOW! The Conscious Self-Healthcare Conversation Radio Show that is live every Wellness Wednesday from 4 PM to 5PM EST on with Informational and BioEnergetics talk that help empower people to take responsibility of their health and healthcare. YES! YOU CAN BECOME YOUR "OWN WELLNESS DOCTOR" WHEN YOU EMANCIPATE YOURSELF FROM MEDICAL MENTAL SLAVERY...and western doctors that share a drug and removal of organs is the only way you can heal (no matter the side effects) I say 'JUST SAY NO THANK YOU' LIKE I DID.
I took charge of my cellular malfunction of a stroke that had me going down the rabbit hole of self-destruction by stopping drug/pharmaceutical treatment in the hospital. The Doctor said I would have another stroke in less then a year if I didn't do the drugs. I said Okay if it is to be...let it be the same way that I embraced this one in love and kindness, I will do the next one and just to let you know this stroke can from a brain injury and stress. So, I have self-assurance and I know what to do, it is now 2-years and 2-months and I have never felt this good.
I love feeling the vibration of my nerves system and all that it is teaching me....the stroke was a Blessing a great gift from my higher Self. Because I needed a teachable testimony as the one-and-only Conscious Self-Healthcare Educator, Doctor of Lymphology, Bioenergetics and Informational Quantum Health and Healing Wellness Specialist, and Board Certified Holistic Health Advisor.
Are you ready to Dance and Breathe with ME and heal yourself from the top/down and from the inside/out? Tune in to the show and take advantage of the $40/$40 special price and take a look at your Being from the Human Body-Field the energetic body and the Physical Body-Field of cellular activity.
It is a new year and new decade, time to THINK A NEW WAY AROUND HEALTHCARE. So are YOU READY TO MAKE CONSCIOUS SELF-HEALTHCARE M.O.V.E.S.? Contact me 202-248-7749, email me, message me and "Step Up Out of the Dark Ages of Disease Care" today! One Love, One Community Living in Unity Worldwide.

New award this year honors the life and legacy of Timothy Morrow founder of Common Sense Herbs. We honor Baba Tim with the Timothy Morrow Common Sense Herbs
Conscious Self-Healthcare Wellness Activist Award...honor someone who has made a major contribution to the field of Conscious Self-Healthcare.

Because you have Emancipated from medical mental slavery like our page and share some kind and uplifting information on the page 10th Annual Cell-a-bration of #eyfmmsd April 30, 2020 then join our group Anthology of Wellness Stories Release 2020 and share your wellness story and/or honor a child and share there story!
We will honor someone for the Community Visionary Ward (honors an unique individual or organization), the Shirley R. Davis-Hardy Senior Wellology award (honors my mother, devoted member of the Elk's for over 60 years, Kalvinar R. Foulks & Kevin D. Davis Children award (honors my son and my brother), the Hodari Abdul-Ali Conscious Self-Healthcare award (He was the producer/host of "Freedom Sounds with Brother Hodari" heard WPFW, 89.3 FM in Washington, DC and much more to the freedom movement globally. You can also share a story and nominate someone or an organization/non-profit for any of the honors at and click the link.

Karen Khadijah Davis-Foulks,healthcare,conscious,self-care,wellness,disease,vibration,energy,

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