
All Women Kabaddi Competition: An Effort to Break the Barriers of Purdah

All Women Kabaddi Competition: An Effort to Break the Barriers of Purdah Voicing opinion was a far-fetched dream for women in India, especially in rural India. Women are expected to stay at home and give their time to cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children, compared to men. Young girls often stay back at home to take care of their siblings and handle household chores and doing everything, which will make them fit to get married, soon after.

What about education, doing a job, carrier, and most importantly, coming out of their own house?

To answer all this, and to break the barrier, women from Junwani and over 35 villages started a great initiative. They organised an all-women Kabaddi competition so that women come out of their homes and village, and build their self-confidence.

Watch the video as to how this step encouraged a lot of women!

Community Correspondent Rajesh Gupta reports from, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh for Video Volunteers.

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Video Volunteers,Community Media,Community Correspondents,IndiaUnheard,Human Rights,Empowerment,participatory media,community news service,participatory video,India,News,

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