‘Prem Eshwar Hai’, ‘Jai Jai Vaishnavi Devi Maa’, ‘Eshwaramba Priya Tanaya’, ‘Devi Sai Maa’, ‘Allah Naam Bhajo’, ‘Sarvadharma Priya Deva’, ‘Durge Durge’ etc. are some of his popular compositions.
Presenting to you all an unplugged version of his popular composition - Danava Bhanjana Rama Sai, in the tune in which it was originally composed (slightly different from what is commonly sung today).
Recommend using an earphone/headphone for listening
Lyrics of the bhajan:
Danava Bhanjana Rama Sai Shyamala Komala Ram
Hey Rama Rama Jaya Rama Sai Rama Rama Ram
Dasharatha Nandana Rama Sai Daya Sagara Ram
Deenon Ke Tum Rama Sai Rama Rama Ram
Charming, sweet Ram, You killed the demons (Danavas). The delight of Dasharatha; You are the Ocean of Compassion. Ram, You are the Lord of the helpless, come again as Sai
Special thanks to:
· Shri Sainath for recording, mixing and mastering
· Rishab Nair and Karthik Ramakrishnan for playing keys