As long as there is limited identification with yourself as just a particular body, or a particular history, or the latest evaluation, there is unnecessary suffering. When your attention shifts to yourself as the consciousness that everything is appearing and disappearing in, your unnecessarily suffering ends. Not your pain, not the pain that arises from compassion or the pain that arises from physical hurt, or emotional hurt. But unnecessary suffering ends. There is a resting place. You know where home is, and at any moment, in any circumstance, regardless of emotions or state of mind, in an instant you are home.
In this video, Gangaji expresses her support for the end of your unnecessary suffering. "If you haven’t discovered that home is already present in you at every moment, my function is to point your attention there. If you have discovered it, my function is to challenge any concept you may have about it."
Gangaji's online events are a continuation of that support. Meet every month for a 90-minute live meeting with Gangaji, and participate in a conscious community daily on The Gangaji Forum. See upcoming events here