
Here’s Why Jeremy Gong Really Isn’t Running For The Oakland City Council District 1 Seat In 2020

Here’s Why Jeremy Gong Really Isn’t Running For The Oakland City Council District 1 Seat In 2020 Here’s Why Jeremy Gong Really Isn’t Running For The Oakland City Council District 1 Seat In 2020

So, I figured out why Jeremy Gong isn't running for the Oakland City Council District One Seat in 2020. Gong says it's for health reasons, but doesn't say what's wrong with him. Ok, whatever it is, I hope he gets better. But in reading other accounts of what happened between Oakland Mayoral Candidate Cat Brooks, and the Oakland Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) of which Gong was (and I suppose is) still an active member, it looks like the DSA was being racist toward Brooks.

According to the New Republic, Gong wrote that the Democratic Socialists of America should not endorse Brooks for Mayor, and for a set of reasons that added up to lightweight cover, until we got to the real basis for his disdain for Cat: that she dare call the Democratic Socialists of America racist.

And this gets to the point I made in the first vlog: the Democratic Socialists of America members who hold Gong's point of view need to find a heart, and ask what they can do to not be considered racist. I have these suggestions: 1) listen to other people, 2) act on the suggestions of those others, and 3) sell their agenda to blacks in Oakland. In this case.

In short, the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America has to stop acting like a closed-minded group of college-bound high school students, and pivot toward being adults who understand how to collaborate with others, and sell their ideas and change them when necessary to draw in others, and to draw in a diverse group.

In closing, I certainly hope I'm wrong, and that the Democratic Socialists of America have advanced beyond this. We all need to come together to make our society, of which Oakland's a part, better.

Stay tuned.


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