
Meaning of HARDER THAN IT LOOKS and HARDER THAN IT SEEMS - A Short English Lesson with Subtitles

Meaning of HARDER THAN IT LOOKS and HARDER THAN IT SEEMS - A Short English Lesson with Subtitles READ ALONG TO PRACTICE YOUR ENGLISH AND TO LEARN THE MEANING OF HARDER THAN IT LOOKS and HARDER THAN IT SEEMS: So have you ever watched someone do something and thought, that looks pretty easy, I think I can do it and then when you try to do it you realize that it is harder than it looks? In English when we say that something is harder than it looks, it means that it looks easy, but then when you try it yourself, it's actually a lot harder. Sometimes we say this about things like playing the piano. Sometimes you'll see someone play a song on the piano and it will seem relatively simple and you'll think to yourself, I could play that song and then when you sit at the piano you realize that it is harder than it looks to play that song. So again, we have this sometimes in teaching. Sometimes people think that teachers have a really easy job. After all, we just stand in front of a classroom and talk to students all day. It looks pretty easy, but I'll tell you this much, it is harder than it looks. You should give it a try some time and see how hard it is.

We have another phrase in English that means exactly the same thing and that's the phrase that something is harder than it seems and it we can use the same examples here. Maybe you see someone play a song on the piano and you think, I can play that song. That looks easy. And when you sit down at the piano it is harder than it seems. And we can say the same thing about teaching. I don't mean to make it sound like teachers work really hard, but I would say that if you watch a teacher who is really good at their job, they make it look easy, but it is harder than it seems. So again, if something is harder than it looks, or if something is harder than it seems, it just means that it's a lot more difficult to do than what it looks like when you watch someone do it. Anyways, Bob the Canadian here and you're learning English with me here on YouTube and Facebook and Instagram. There's a little glimpse of Oscar for you for today. Anyways, have a good day, I'll see you tomorrow.


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